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Monday, March 1, 2010

Homemade Potato Chips

This is the one and only exception to when I would deep fry something. Well, it wasn't really deep fried as the slices of potato float in about 1 1/2 cups of canola oil in a tiny sauce pan. I needed to do something with a handful of baby red potatoes I've had since last week. Don't you hate it when you forget what vegetables you have in your fridge and then you realize you had it for sometime. Yeah me, too.

Anyway...I don't have a mandolin, which would be a great tool to have in the kitchen, so I very carefully sliced the baby reds into super-duper thin slices. I used the end nubs and made baby french fries with them. Then fried them up and sprinkled some kosher salt for flavoring. It made enough for small bag of chips. Delicious snack.

Homemade Potato Chips

5 baby red potatoes or 1 russet
2 Tbsp white vinegar
canola or peanut oil
kosher salt

Peel the potatoes and thinly slice them into really strip or coins. You may use a mandolin or a carefully cut them with a knife.

In a large enough container, soak the potato slices in in water spiked with the white vinegar. For at least an hour. Then pat dry with a paper towel.

Heat at least 2-inches worth of canola or peanut oil in a small sauce pan. To see if the oil is hot enough. test it by dropping one piece of potato. If it sizzles immediately, it is ready. Work in batches and carefully drop the slices. Cook until they turn golden brown. Remove and drain on a paper towel. while it is still hot, season with a little kosher salt.


Parita said...

I love these!! Cant believe you made them at home!

Anonymous said...

Those are perfectly thin and look just excellent!

Pam said...

Awesome - I've never thought to make my own potato chips. They look perfect.

Dewi said...

What a delicious treats Jenn! It worth making it at home, isn't it.

vanillasugarblog said...

don't you find a huge difference in taste when you use peanut oil? I love it. Much heartier flavor.

Unknown said...

I am duly impressed that you sliced these by hand. AMAZING job!

teresa said...

AWESOME! i bet that vinegar added the perfect amount of tang, omg, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Anonymous said...

Wow, fab job, they really look crispy. I wouldn't think you could get such a fab result at home.
*kisses* HH

theUngourmet said...

I don't have a mandolin either. ;0( Wish I did. These look yummy! I am crazy for hand cut potato chips. You rock!

Lana from Never Enough Thyme said...

My mom used to make homemade potato chips all the time, but I haven't done them years. Thanks for reminding me! Think we just might have some for tonight's dinner.

Laura said...

I too am a frying minimalist, but would totally make an exception for these. You must have some serious patience and knife skills to get those thin slices without a mandolin... good work!

Phyllis said...

Wow you got those slices thin. Looks delicious!

Anisha said...

These chips look too perfect! I cried a little when I deep fried tortillas last night. There's definitely a love-hate relationship between me and the deep fryer!

Tasty Eats At Home said...

I've made homemade potato chips before - it's fun, but then you realize how seemingly small the resulting amount of potato chips are from 1 potato. Makes you think twice about eating that BIG bag that you saw at the store, huh? These do look great - I'm impressed that you hand-sliced them so well.

Diana said...

Uh oh - homemade potato chips! Is this going to be the new tortilla? ;)

Nice work here - see you are loving the savory right now! (I am too!)

Christo Gonzales said...

you did a great job on the slicing - that takes a little skill and a lot of patience.

CDC said...

Love them, and it sounds easier than I thought it would be = must try!

Joie de vivre said...

I'm impressed you were able to hand cut the potatoes that thin! I am always finding old vegetables at the very bottom of my veggie drawer. I hate that!

lisaiscooking said...

That is a delicious snack! Very good use of your potatoes.

Teanna said...

You sliced those yourself?! You've got crazy patience and precision! Those look gorgeous!

Cynthia said...

These look like kettle chips! I think they turned out great, you don't need a mandolin, girl.

PS: I read your last post about craving chicken and waffles. When you can eat them again, let's meet at Roscoe's sometime! I haven't been in years.

Jenn said...

@cynthia: You got it!!! Roscoe's it is!!! :-D

sophia said...

I'm scared of deep-frying....My grandma got badly scarred in the face because of it, and from then on I'm kinda scared!

Yo! Make taro chips please! Please! Please!? :-x

chow and chatter said...

wow they look ok a little fried food once in a while is ok lol

Sippity Sup said...

This is very creative. I just know these were delicious. never fear the fry! GREG

Anonymous said...

Dear Jenn!
Home-made potatp ships are always the best!
Amazing how many people are sharing their own recipes on that particular subject!
By the way, te-mari sushi/sushi balls are very easy to make!
Why don't you try them for your next post?
I'm sure you will come with plenty of ideas!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

I love homemade potato chips. My dad always make them when he deep fries turkeys. It's a way to use up that hot oil :)

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I want some right now! They look soooo good! :)

tavolini said...

YUM. I want some of those--they look really, really good!

Justin said...

i've definitely never tried making my own chips. you know, you'd probably love owning a mandoline. my japanese one was pretty cheap, like $20 max.

Reeni said...

OMG these look so good Jenn. My Mom used to make these for us when we were kids. I don't know why she stopped.

Ravenous Couple said...

these look store bought!! Nice job!

OysterCulture said...

Those look amazing. I picked up some potato chips to make Momfukos compost cookies, but if I was really ambitious, I'd make your recipe - next time for sure!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Your potato chips look spectacular! I got a mandolin as a present a few years ago, but I have actually never made any potato chips. What am I thinking? I'll have to fix that very soon.

Potato chips said...

I love potato chips. my mouth is watering just thinking about it! I'm impressed that you hand-sliced them so well.

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