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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sesame Ginger Vinaigrette (with a crunchy salad)

I remember buy this bottle of sesame dressing from some Asian market.  It was pretty tasty. i would drizzle it all over coating everything with that sesame goodness. I went to a crunchy salad. Chopped carrots, bell pepper, almond slices. and to add an extra crunch, instead of croutons I put in ramen noodle. straight from the pack that i crunched up into pieces. In reality those ramen noodles are precooked to help dehydtrate them for packaging. So they're really ready to eat.

Makes 1/3 cup - Serves 2-3

Sesame Ginger Vinaigrette (with a crunchy salad)

3 Tbsp rice wine vinegar
2 Tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp sugar
1 Tbsp fresh ginger - grated or fine chopped
1/2 Tbsp toasted sesame seeds

Combine all ingredients together.and drizzle of your salad

1 small head of lettuce - chopped
1 carrot - chopped
1 bell pepper - chopped
1/2 c almond slices
1 pack ramen noodles - minus seasoning and crumbled

Toss all the ingredients together and drizzle the vinaigrette over.


Jamie said...

I so love those flavors, too, and now that it is spring this is just our kind of meal! Perfect!

Anonymous said...

I need to start eating more salads. I love the flavours here.
*kisses* HH

chow and chatter said...

oh what a great salad you always make the best dressings

black Star Gourmet said...

can't beat a good salad

Tangled Noodle said...

Thank you for this dressing!! I've had variations of sesame ginger vinaigrette and just love the flavors, but you know how it is: you develop a favorite and then you can't find it anymore! Now, I can just make my own . . .!

lisaiscooking said...

This is a crunchy, healthy, tasty mix of things, and the dressing sounds great!

Pam said...

The salad looks tasty and that vinaigrette sounds so good! I love sesame and ginger together.

Honey said...

This is just like something I've been craving! Love asian style dressings! :)

Bob said...

Looks fantastic. I love the ramen in the salad, must give it great texture.

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Great salad! I love crunchy salads. And the dressing has all my favorite flavors... I just found out that I shouldn't eat much ginger. But I still add a bit to my dishes; it's so good... :)

Phyllis said...

That's so clever, crumbling up ramen instead of using croutons. Always looking for ways to get more ramen in my diet ;)

Diana said...

We always used to crunch up top ramen into our Chinese Chicken Salads when we were growing up - so delicious! Will have to try that dressing sometime!

Ameena said...

Yummy...this looks like a good replica of the Chin Chin salad I used to get. Honestly though, this looks much fresher!!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

I love ginger vinaigrettes... I also end up buying bottled sesame ginger dressing at the store, but I'm not sure why. I should be making this! Also, thanks for the tip on adding ramen to your salad... I love crunchy noodles, but didn't know those would work.

Reeni said...

I'm always looking for good dressings - I eat salad almost every day for lunch. This is a yummy one that I need to try.

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