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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Egg in a Nest

Today's the last day to enter my B + B 1-year giveaway.  Click here, if you haven't entered yet.


I've seen this several times around the blog-o-sphere. As it just so happens, I had gotten myself a brand spankin' new 6 1/2-inch cast iron skillet. I squealed with delight when it arrived at my door. The only thing I had to decide was what would be the first thing i cooked on it. I didn't care that it was a small pan, just as long as I have one, I am happy. My next purchase may be to get the larger size.

As I held the skillet in my hand, breakfast was on my mind. This happened at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. So an afternoon brunch it was. I cut out the centers of the bread with a cookie cutter. I used the bread discs, toasted them up and at them with some POM syrup. Anyway...I first toasted the bread in the oven to get them nice and crisp before cooking on the skillet. Then I prepared the skillet. Laid the bread flat and gently pour the egg right into the hole. Once the egg was cooked almost halfway I flipped and cooked the other side.  I mixed in a little shredded cheese into my nests.

Makes 4 nests

Egg in a Nest

4 slices of bread - 1-inch thick
4 eggs
shredded cheese - optional
additional topping - optional

Cut out a 2-3 inch hole from the center of the bread slices. Toast them, toaster oven, or conventional oven.

Crack an egg into  small bowl and season witha  pinch of salt. You may light scramble or leave the egg as is. You may also mix in any mix-in at this time.

Heat up your skillet and lightly grease your skillet with cooking spray and on medium heat. When the pan is hot place the toast flat and pour in the egg. Cook for 2-3 minutes on one side and quickly flip the toast with a flat spatula and cook for another 2-3. Do this same procedure for each slice of toast.

Serve warm.


Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I haven't made eggs in a basket for a long time! Maybe I'll surprise the family this morning... :)

Happy weekend! :)

Tangled Noodle said...

I've seen these in the blogsphere, too, and have been wanting to try it out. Thanks for the reminder - if only I'd read this post BEFORE I ate breakfast, then I'd be 'nesting' right now! But there's always tomorrow . . .

Sippity Sup said...

Even though I know that egg in nest is the proper name for this dish, I always call it a toad in the hole. I am not sure why. I know that's not right! GREG

Anonymous said...

Toad in a hole or bird in the nest, its yummy!
Have a wonderful weekend!
*kisses* HH

vanillasugarblog said...

why haven't i added cheese to this? hello?

The Duo Dishes said...

Ditto about adding cheese!

Holly said...

Yours look so pretty!! Maybe it's the type of bread..I just used regular crushed wheat-they tasted good, but weren't as pretty;)

Bianca @southbay rants n raves said...

I'd always make this in college. My roommates thought I was trippin! Glad to see someone else knows what I'm talking about! I call mine Egg in a Frame.

Anisha said...

Nice nest egg! :)

Pam said...

Oh, I love this! And it has to have the cheese! It just might be breakfast tomorrow!

CDC said...

i've heard of this, but never made it - i'm scared to try it but i'll have to!

chow and chatter said...

cool Jasmine would love it

sophia said...

Eggs in a nest? They've got so many different names! I call them toad in a hole. But haha, that sounds less appetizing.

OysterCulture said...

Egg in a nest sounds like a sure sign that spring has sprung - thanks for the reminder and a great breakfast recipe

Cucinista said...

So cute, so easy -- what's not to like?

pigpigscorner said...

This is so cute! It's been on my to-do list for like forever.

Unknown said...

I guess maybe I've been under a rock or something, because I haven't seen this before. But it's so cool!! Thanks for sharing!

Patty said...

OMG. This is my favorite breakfast, lunch OR dinner! Yum!!! And you're going to adore your new skillet!

Phyllis said...

So cute. My mother-in-law made these for me before. Enjoy your brand new skillet :)

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Mmmm this looks great! I haven't had egg in a nest in forever! My mom used to make it all the time when I was kid.

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

My mom used to make this for me all the time when I was a kid... I haven't had it in a LONG time. Thanks for the reminder :)

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