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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Noodle World and Pomegranate Tea

Few years ago back in my college days, I used to frequent this little place in Old Town Pasadena called Noodle World. It was a joint that served pretty good food. A mixture of Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese and Chinese, but they're mostly known for their Thai dishes. I would have lunch production meetings there as well as casual "get together"s with friends, even wrap dinners from a long day's shoot. It was like the "go-to" place for me and my little circle of buddies. Oh the good times.

I hadn't been back there in a long time as I'm not around the area as much as I used to. So a couple days ago, I lunch with a couple close friends of mine. I didn't have a clue at the time as to what we wanted to eat and first thing that popped into my head was Noodle World. Being back at the place brought back a ton of memories of yesteryear. Nostalgia at it's best. They've been there for quite a while, so I guess they must be doing something right to have been able to stay open as long as they have.

We arrived there short after the lunch crowds have gone. There have been times when the place has been fully packed. We get shown to out booth and we begin the search for what we want to fill our bellies with. The service is pretty quick there. The wait wasn't long for our food to arrive from when we ordered.

The first two were ordered by my friends.
Spicy Laht Nah 

Rice noodles topped with a choice of ground chicken or beef stir-fried with garlic, chili, vegetables and basil in gravy.

Seafood Noodles

Shrimp, mussels, squid, imitation crab meat, fish ball and fish cake with a choice of rice noodles. I had a taste of them and it was pretty good. Add a hit of Sriracha to the soup and I was good to go.

 Chow Mien

While I ordered once of my favorites. Chow mien with pan-fried crispy noodles. It was a mixture of veggies and chicken with a gravy sauce pour over pan-fried noodles. I usually ordered their duck and rice dish, but I was feeling a bit noodle-y that day.

Thai Iced Tea with Boba

To wash it down I ordered myself a nice refreshing Thia iced Tea with boba (tapioca pearls). Yum!! It was a good lunch. It brought back fond memories and made new ones.

Noodle World
24 West Colorado Boulevard
Old Pasadena, CA 91106

I was contacted once again by the awesome folks at POM Wonderful asking if I'd like to sample some of their new pomegranate tea. I couldn't resist the offer.  So a week or two ago, I received a little care package. Inside were four bottles from their new line of pomegranate tea drinks called POMx Tea, the Antioxidant Super Tea. After letting them cool in the fridge for a day, I began my tasting. These are the flavors I had the opportunity to sample.

Light Pomegranate Hibiscus Green POMx Tea
Light Pomegranate Wildberry White POMx Tea

Pomegranate Lychee Green  POMx Tea
Pomegranate Blackberry POMx Tea

There's one other flavor I have yet to try, I think it's a peach flavor. I'll try that one at another time. But I really liked the first two. The light teas. It was very subtle and refreshing. A nice blend of flavors. I had those in one sitting, on separate occasions. The other two I wasn't much of that fan of, but it was still tasty. The lychee and blackberry flavors combined with the pomegranate didn't mesh well with me. Though, that's just my preference. You may like it more than I do, so why not give all the flavors a try? See which one you like. I'd definitely go and buy a bunch of the light teas to stock up my fridge.  Thanks to POM Wonderful for the samples!

Finally, I'd like to give off a special shout out today to Parita of Parita's World. A couple weeks ago she had passed along to me this award called the 360˚ Foodie award. Thanks a bunch!!


NMOS said...

Dude, I wish they had a Noodle World here in Seattle. I'd definitely hit that place up. I guess I'll have to review/rate a similar Seattle restaurant. Nice pics and post, by the way.

My favorite POM is the pomegranate lychee green tea. Good stuff!

Anonymous said...

sometimes its like the coolest thing going to a restaurant you haven't been to in a while. its like rediscovering old friends :Dq

Mardi Michels said...

Noodle World = yum! We're on the hunt for great Pho in Toronto after our trip to Laos - we hit the jackpot the first time but that won't stop us from trying more!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Wow Noodle World sounds tasty! I love pan fried crispy noodles. I almost always order them if they are on the menu. That tea you sampled sounds great too.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Congratulations on your award, Jenn. Have a great day.

chow and chatter said...

congrats on the award oh noodle world sounds cool,

LK- Healthy Delicious said...

Noodle world looks great!!

Jenn said...

NMOS: Thanks.

HH: Yeah. It's always nice to go back and eat the dishes I was ate.

EatLive: Cool.

Nutmeg: I love pan-fried noodles, too. It's really easy stuff to make.

Mary, CC, LK: Thanks.

Bob said...

I would love to eat somewhere called Noodle World. I love noodles.

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

What a wonderful lunch... Now I want some noodles...

I am seeing the pomegranate teas everywhere... they sound good! :)

theUngourmet said...

I would definitely go for some of that chow mien! :P

Jenn said...

Bob: You can't have enough noodles. haha...

Andrea: Yeah, the teas a pretty good. I'm thinking of getting some more.

Ungourmet: Me, too.

zerrin said...

I wish we had a Noddle World here in Eskisheir/Turkey. We don't have even a simple noddle restaurant. The dishes look great!

As pomegranate is one of my favorites, I can try any version of it. I must make a search on its tea.

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Yum... Noodle World sounds like fun. I need to find some of that Pom tea, too... Sounds very tasty!

Anonymous said...

congrats Parita! YAY!

Boy, I wish that Noodle World was closer to USC...Hey, please do more restaurant reviews if possible...I LOVE it! :D Esp since there is a chance I can visit as well (plus I wanna review places for my newspaper! hee hee)

Jenn said...

Zerrin: Hopefully they'll have the teas around your area.

Jen: They are.

burpandslurp: Yeah. I don't eat out much, but when I do I'll write something up. ;-D

Parita said...

everything looks delicious jenn..i would love to try Pomegranate Lychee Green..dont think we would get it in india..anyidea?

♥peachkins♥ said...

I would love to sample those great products too..

The noodle dish are all great but i'll probably choose those with soups. I'm a soup peson.

tavolini said...

Yum--I love noodle houses! Now I have yet another reason to get out to sunny California :)

Miranda said...

Yum! I love Pomegrante.
Great post and review.

Sippity Sup said...

I spend a lot of time in Old Town P. and have eaten here a few times too. GREG

Jenn said...

Parita: Maybe they ship.

Peachkins: me, too, I love soups.

TavoLini: yes, come back and visit LA.

Miranda: Thanks.

Greg: I love the Place.

Anonymous said...

I liked the Pom coffee & can't wait to try their teas as well! Noodle world sounds like a great place!

Jenn said...

5 Star: I'd love to try some of that POMx coffees

Reeni said...

Noodle World looks delicious!! Yummy eats. What interesting flavors of Pom tea. I think I would like these better than the coffee - I'm a total tea drinker.

Jenn said...

Reeni: The teas are really good.

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